Learn about breathwork:

  • Throughout your breathwork session, we may utilise various acupressure points across seven belts of tension (please see diagram) to assist in the release of stress hormones (cortisol & adrenaline), emotions and energy that has become stored within the body. Therapeutic touch in combination with breathwork supports circulation of energy through the physical and energetic bodies where density and blockages have manifested, allowing it to dissipate.

  • ✶ Anxiety and depression

    ✶ Hypervigilance

    ✶ Disassociation causing us to feel ‘numb’ or disconnected from our bodies and those around us

    ✶ Chronic pain and fatigue

    ✶ Insomnia

    ✶ Addictions of any sort

    ✶ Migraines/ tension headaches

    ✶ Digestive issues

    ✶ A general sense of feeling disconnected or ‘numb’

  • ✶ Building personal trust and resilience

    ✶ Creativity

    ✶ Emotional Integration

    ✶ Mental clarity enabling you to take direction and make decisions

    ✶ Feeling grounded in life transitions

    ✶ Inner balance

    ✶ Connection to others

    ✶ Body awareness

    ✶ Feeling rejuvenated

    ✶ Meditation

    ✶ Relaxation

    ✶ Self-awareness

  • ✶ Anxiety

    ✶ Depression

    ✶ Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

    ✶ Stress

    ✶ Processing grief

    ✶ Insomnia

    ✶ Chronic fatigue & pain

    ✶ Difficulty focusing & concentrating

    ✶ Obsessive-compulsive disorder

    ✶ Stress-related medical illnesses

  • The body really does keep the score of everything that we go through in life. This is why I incorporate touch and body work through the use of acupressure points in combination with your breathwork practice. 

    The Bodywork Techniques that I incorporate to support your release, integration and healing process are: 

    • Tapping 

    • Joint Release 

    • Deep and soft body work 

    • Myofascial unwinding and release 

    • And specific pressure points along the 6 belts of tension across the body. 

    Pressure points are located all over your body and are found along the meridians, energy channels of this physical vessel that we exist in.  

    Based on Chinese medicine, I believe that our energy flows throughout the body through these meridians and when we apply pressure to these particular points it supports the flow of our life force through easing density and softening blockages. 

    Myofascial unwinding refers to the release of connective tissue within the body ultimately so we can become less tense which supports the release of restricted breathing patterns which allows the shift from being a shallow breathers to deep belly breather which ultimately helps to alleviate symptoms of anxiety and PTSD which ripples out to lift low moods and depression. 

    Finally Myofascial unwinding is a gentle non-invasive process which responds to the bodys inner intelligence. 

  • I am proudly trained in a specific Trauma Release Breathwork Modality. I take place great value and importance on ensuring that both the body and nervous system is able to recalibrate and rest in a way that is not highly stimulated and cathartic.


    Trauma is the greek word for ‘wound’ it can be defined as any moment our physiological or psychological capacity to deal with a situation at hand has become overwhelmed kicking us in to a fight, flight or freeze response. A traumatic experience is can bring feelings of overwhelm, powerlessness, confusion and anxiety.

  • ✶ If you are pregnant

    ✶ Have epilepsy

    ✶ Have had a stroke

    ✶ Have severe asthma

    ✶ Has had a heart attack/ heart failure

Book an appointment.