our Services

We are all on an individual journey of growth and evolution.

No matter where you stand on your path to healing and expansion, I welcome you into this space no matter how it looks and feels for you in this very moment.

Without judgement, I wish to see and hear all that is alive within you and stand alongside you as you take the next step along your journey to empowerment.

I work across six belts of tension to release stored emotions and adversity within the body, sub-conscious mind and energy field.

I offer a package of 6 Breathwork sessions over a 2 month journey.

Join us in a 4-week journey to empowerment by carving out the space and time to connect to your breathwork practice every Wednesday evening with this EPIC community.

Join me, hand in hand as you activate your true power & potential. I want to stand by your side as you unleash your unique power, gifts & services with the world.

We will utilise breathwork and Neuro-linguistic programming to guide an empowering journey to enhance your confidence, self-worth and belief to achieve your goals, dreams and desires.

Let’s work together